
CHIPS Research Training Institute

The 2025 CHIPS Research Training Institute will be hosted by Dr. Bonnie Zima at UCLA from June 2 through June 6 inclusive.

Applications are due Sunday, March 2, 2025

See the Applications page for instructions and electronic application form.


CHIPS (Child Intervention, Prevention, and Services) is a interdisciplinary training consortium, created to enhance career development for early career scientists pursuing research careers in the areas of intervention, prevention, and the provision of services for children and adolescents.  CHIPS is funded through the NIMH Division of Services and Intervention Research (DSIR), which supports two critical areas of research, intervention research to evaluate the effectiveness of preventive and treatment interventions and mental health services research.

Each CHIPS fellow participates in a one-week training institute followed by a year or more of ongoing supervision by their assigned CHIPS mentor, and participation in CHIPS web seminars. 

Post-doctoral trainees and early career faculty are eligible to apply.  Trainees must be working broadly in areas of prevention, intervention, or services in child psychiatric mental disorders funded by the NIMH.